2015.1.16 updated
*原則として水曜日, 16号館829会議室にて.
4/8(Fri)16:00- @3-108丹治 直人(理研)Quark production in classical statistical simulations
4/15(Fri)16:00- @3-108服部 恒一(理研)Neutral-pion reactions induced by chiral anomaly in strong magnetic fields
5/7(Wed)16:00- @16-829佐々木 崇宏(東大理)格子計算および中性子星観測と無矛盾なクォーク-ハドロン相転移の研究
 有限温度(T)・有限バリオン化学ポテンシャル(μ_B)に対するQCD相図を解明する ことは, ハドロン物理学の重要課題の一つである。 しかし, QCDの第一原理計算である格子QCD計算は符号問題の為に有限μ_B領域で 実行が困難であり, μ_Bの大きな領域の相構造は未だ大きな不定性が残ってい る。一方で、Polyakov-loop extended Nambu-Jona-Lasino 模型 (PNJL模型)など の有効模型は多くの不定性を含むため、予言の信頼性が小さい。そこで我々は、 符号問題が存在しない領域での格子計算結果を再現するような有効模型を構築 し, QCD相図に対して信頼できる予言を与えることを目指している。
 本研究で我々は, PNJL模型に対してPolyakov loopに依存した結合(entangle coupling)を導入した, EPNJL 模型を提案した。PNJL模型は, ゲージ場を介して 行われる 4点相互作用をクォーク同士の接触相互作用に近似した模型である。 従来のPNJL 模型では相互作用の強さを定数で近似していたが、これは本来ゲー ジ場(Polyakov loop) に依るはずである。また、Entangle coupling により クォークとゲージ場の相関が強まり、EPNJL模型においてカイラル相転移と閉じ 込め相転移がほぼ同時に起こることが期待される。実際に, 純虚数μ, アイソス ピンμ領域での解析により, EPNJL模型は格子QCD計算との一致が改善しているこ とが見られた。
 さらに, 高密度領域のQCD相構造を調べるために, 中性子星質量の観測結果との 比較を行った。この解析には, 2相模型を用いて2フレーバー系のクォーク・ハド ロン相転移を用いた。ここで, クォーク相は上記のEPNJL模型, ハドロン相には ハドロンガス模型で記述されている。また, 核子間の斥力を有効的に取り扱うた め体積排除効果を導入し, そのパラメーターはゼロ温度での状態方程式に関する 実験値を再現するように決めている。この結果, 簡略化された模型ではあるが, ゼロ温度領域およびゼロ密度領域で得られる実験・観測結果を同時に再現可能な 模型が得られた。

Y. Sakai, T. Sasaki, H. Kouno, and M. Yahiro, Phys. Rev. D 82, 076003 (2010)
T. Sasaki, Y. Sakai, H. Kouno, and M. Yahiro, Phys. Rev. D 84, 091901 (2011)
T. Sasaki, N. Yasutake, M. Kohno, H. Kouno, and M. Yahiro, arXiv:hep-ph/1307.0681
5/9(Fri)16:00- @3-108山崎 加奈子(東大理)Quark hadron phase transition in the PNJL model with hadronic excitation
10/22(Wed)13:30- @3-108Benjamin Svetitsky (Tel Aviv University) Conformal or confining? From the Higgs to three-dimensional QED
A gauge theory either confines charges or it doesn't. If it doesn't then it is most likely conformal in the infared. This has been explored extensively for gauge theories of interest for models of composite Higgs bosons. But QED in three dimensions provides an amusing example.
11/12(Wed)16:00- @16-829金澤 拓也(理研) Dirac spectrum and matrix models: an update
11/19(Wed)16:00- @16-829上門 和彦(理研) Magnetic properties of a strongly interacting thermal medium (pdf)
12/3(Wed)16:00- @16-829山本 直希(慶應)トポロジカル輸送現象:物性から宇宙物理まで
1/21(Wed)16:00- @16-829橘 保貴(東大理)Hydrodynamic response to jet propagation in quark-gluon plasma
We study the hydrodynamic response to jet propagation in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). The QGP, the deconfined state of quarks and gluons, is realized under extreme conditions such as the heavy ion collisions (HIC) where extremely high-temperature is achieved by a head-on collision of two heavy nuclei accelerated at nearly the speed of light. The QGP created in the HIC behaves as an almost-perfect fluid and expands with relativistic velocity. The space-time evolution of the QGP is known to be well described by the relativistic hydrodynamics. In the HIC, high-energy quarks and gluons, so-called jets, are produced by hard processes. They do not participate in the hydrodynamical evolution of the QGP fluid, but traverse the QGP while losing their energies and momenta due to strong interactions. The QGP medium are excited by the incoming energy and momentum from jets and Mach cones emerge as the hydrodynamic response. Such a hydrodynamic response carries the information of various properties of QGP. In Pb-Pb collisions at LHC, low momentum particles at large angles from the jets are enhanced in dijet asymmetric events. Since these low momentum particles are considered as constituents of the hydrodynamic fluid, their enhancement at large angles can be interpreted as the hydrodynamic response to the jets.

Motivated by the experimental data in the HIC, we study the space-time evolution of the QGP in dijet asymmetric events to make a theoretical connection between the medium response to the jet propagation and the enhancement of the low-momentum particles in the HIC. We formulate a hydrodynamic model with source terms to describe the space-time evolution of the QGP fluid with jet propagations. Then, we perform simulations in the case of the dijet traversing the center of the expanding medium. We find the Mach cones which are distorted strongly by the radial expansion of the medium. We show the enhancement of low momentum particles at large angles in dijet asymmetric events take place as a result of the distorted Mach cone. Furthermore, we perform simulations by changing both the jet production points and the initial energies of dijet. We evaluate the effect of the number of dijet events and carry out the event averaged calculations. As a result, we show that the enhancement of low momentum particles at large angles is the universal phenomenon originating from the hydrodynamic response to the jet propagation.
1/30(Fri)16:00- @3-108早田 智也(東大理)Complex Langevin simulation of quantum vortex nucleation in the Bose-Einstein condensate
We study the quantum vortex nucleation in the Bose-Einstein condensate with all quantum fluctuations exactly taken into account.  For this purpose, we perform the ab-initio simulation of rotating Bose-Einstein condensate by using the complex Langevin method, which has been developed in the context of finite-density QCD.  We simulate the nonrelativistic boson field theory at finite chemical potential under rotation. We show that in the superfluid phase, vortices are generated above a critical angular velocity and the circulation is clearly quantized even in the presence of quantum fluctuations.

Journal Club
*大抵の金曜日, 3号館108号室にて.
4/16(Wed)16:00- @16-829 藤井 帰国報告
4/23(Wed)16:00- @16-829 松井 最近のLHC実験の結果から
4/30(Wed)16:00- @16-829 渡辺 ALICE実験のoverview
5/2(Fri)16:00- @3-108 田屋 最近のRHIC/LHC実験から
5/14(Wed)16:00- @16-829 藤井 pA衝突について
10/17(Fri)16:00- @3-108 田屋 帰国報告
11/7(Fri)16:00- @3-108 松井 Measurement with the ATLAS detector of multi-particle azimuthal correlations in p+Pb collisions at √s_NN=5.02TeV
ATLAS Collaboration, PLB 725, 60 (2013)
Azimuthal anisotropies in Pb+Pb and p+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector
B. Wosiek for the ATLAS Collaboration, Ann. Phys. (2014)
11/14(Fri)16:00- @3-108 田屋 Angular structure of the in-medium QCD cascade
J.-P. Blaizot, Y. Mehtar-Tani and M.A.C. Torres, arXiv:1407.0326
11/21(Fri)16:00- @3-108 藤井 Glasma flux tubes and the near side ridge phenomenon at RHIC
A. Dumitru et al., NPA 810, 91 (2008)
Long range two-particle rapidity correlations in A+A collisions from high energy QCD evolution
K. Dusling et al., NPA 836, 159 (2010)
The ridge in proton-proton collisions at the LHC
A. Dumitru et al., PLB 697, 21 (2011)