2007.4.11 updated
4/7(FRI)15:00-平野哲文(東大駒場)Have we discovered "Perfect Liquid" of QGP?
4/26(WED)15:00-Digal,S(東大/RIKEN)Color superconducting transition in the Ginzburg-Landau Model: Lattice Approach
一様系においてボース・アインシュタイン凝縮(BEC)は大域的位相変換対称性 の自発的破れとして定式化されている. 一方, 中性原子気体のBECは補足ポテン シャル(磁気トラップ)中で実現しおり, 一様系とは違い, 物理量の計算に運動量 表示を用いた摂動論を用いるのは適切ではない. 特に, 非一様系における自発的 対称性の破れについてはこれまであまり議論されてこなかった.  そこで, 我々は補足ポテンシャルを取り入れた完全系を用いて量子場の理論を 展開し, 非一様系における自発的対称性の破れを議論する. また, 中性原子気体 系における非平衡過程に関する我々の取り組みについても発表する予定である.
6/14(WED)15:00-川村浩之(RIKEN)Soft gluon resummation in transversly polarized Drell-Yan process
Transversly polarized Drell-Yan process (tDY) is one of the promising process for the measurement of the transverse spin distribution of nucleon. We derive the dilepton Q_T spectrum in tDY where the large logarithmic corrections have to be resummed to all orders in order to obtain a well-defined, finite cross section. Combining the NLL(the next-to leading logarithmic) resummed cross section with the LO cross section, we obtain the complete "NLL+LO" result of the Q_T spectrum of the dimuon.
7/19(WED)16:30-澤田真也(KEK)大強度陽子加速器施設 J-PARC
大強度陽子加速器施設 J-PARC は線形加速器, 3GeVシンクロトロン,50GeVシ ンクロトロンからなる複合陽子加速器施設で, 現在茨城県東海村で建設が進ん でいる. 3GeV陽子ビームを用いた実験施設(物質・生命実験施設)では, 中性 子およびミュオンを用いた物性物理や生命科学の研究が計画されている. 50GeV陽子ビームを用いた実験施設には, 遅い取り出しビームを使うハドロン 実験施設と速い取り出しビームを使ってニュートリノ振動実験を行うニュート リノ実験施設がある. 講演では, J-PARCの概要, 建設や準備の状況, スケジュー ルなどとともに, J-PARCの50GeV陽子ビームを用いた実験施設において計画さ れている研究を紹介する.
9/26-27@3-108QCD Daze
1 Fujii Heavy quark production in high-energy pA collisions
2 Hattori HBT puzzle and distorted wave
3 Hirano Effects of hadronic rescattering on pT spectra and v2(pT)
4 Kohama Review on chiral fermions on the lattice
5 Matsuo Vlasov equation for the chiral phase transition
6 Nagai Rotating the Skyrmion with r-dependent angular velocity
7 Nishiyama Transport theory from the CTP formalism
8 Ohnishi Hydrodynamics of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions
9 Tanji Dynamical symmetry breaking in asymptotically free field theories (Gross-Neveu)
10 Terasaki Diquark fragmentation model of baryon production in AuAu collisions at RHIC
11 Tsutsumi Solving the Boltzmann equation as the initial dynamics of HIC


原田正康(名大)Lecture series by Prof. M. Harada --- QCDの有効理論とハドロン物理 ---

核子などのハドロンを記述する基礎理論QCDでは, ラグランジアン段階では右巻きのクォークと左巻きのクォークを 独立に変換するカイラル対称性が近似的に存在します. このカイラル対称性はQCDの強い相互作用の結果 自発的に破れています. 本講義では, まず強い相互作用の基礎理論QCDにおける近似的 カイラル対称性とその破れを紹介します. そして, カイラル対称性に基き$\pi$中間子のみを含むQCDの 有効理論である「カイラル摂動論」の基礎的事項として, 構成方法と現象論的応用を紹介します. また, ベクトル型中間子をも含む「隠れた局所対称性」に基づく 有効理論やヘビークォークを含む中間子に対する有効理論など, 他の有効理論も紹介します.
(sec1) (sec2) (sec3) (sec4)
Konrad Urlichs
(Erlangen Uni, ITP III)
Inhomogeneous phases in simple four-fermion interaction theories
In this talk, the thermodynamics of the massive Gross-Neveu model is discussed. This model is a simple quantum field theory of fermions in 1+1 space-time dimensions with a four-fermion interaction term, used as a toy model for quark matter. In the large $N$ limit it can be described using mean field methods. The phase diagram features a crystalline phase, which was missed in previous works. This is analogous to the FFLO phase, which might arise in QCD at high densities and low temperatures. In the 2+1 dimensional Gross-Neveu model, no stable inhomogeneous ground state could be found yet, although in the Gross-Neveu model, a stripe configuration with translational symmetry in one spatial direction becomes energetically degenerate to the translational invariant state. Surprisingly, the relativistic models discussed here are used in condensed matter physics to describe quasi-low-dimensional systems, such as electrons in polymers.
Nishida, Y(Tokyo)Unitary Fermi gas in the epsilon expansion
Two-component Fermi gas with zero-range interaction at infinite scattering length (unitary Fermi gas) has attracted intense attention across many subfields of physics. However, its analytic treatment has been difficult due to the lack of a small expansion parameter. In this talk, we construct systematic expansions for the unitary Fermi gas around four and two spatial dimensions. It is shown that the unitary Fermi gas near four spatial dimensions can be understood as a weakly-interacting system of fermionic and bosonic quasiparticles, while near two spatial dimensions it reduces to a weakly-interacting Fermi gas. We calculate various physical quantities, such as the thermodynamic functions, the quasiparticle spectrum, and the critical temperature, using 4-d or d-2 as a small parameter of the perturbative expansion where d is the dimensionality of space.
Yamamoto(Tokyo)New critical point and quark-hadron continuity in dense QCD

Journal Club
4/21(FRI)15:00-H. FujiiDissipative hydrodynamics for viscous relativistic fluids
Phys.Rev.C73 034904 (2006) by Heinz, Song and Chaudhuri
5/17(WED)15:00-K. KohamaPhase diagram at finite temperature and quark density in the strong coupling limit of QCD for color SU(3)
N.Kawamoto et al. hep-lat/0512023
5/19(FRI)16:20-T. MatsuiLandau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect in a quark-gluon plasma and the Boltzmann equation
hep-ph/0604209, by G.Baym, J.P.Blaizot, F.Gelis and T.Matsui
6/2(FRI)16:00-K. HattoriIntensity interferometry for a chaotic souse with a collective flow and multiple scattering
C.Y.Wong, J.Phys.G. 29 (2003)
6/9(FRI)15:00-Y. NagaiAnomalous viscosity of an expanding QGPM. Asakawa, S. Bass and B. Muller, hep-ph/0603092.
6/16(FRI)16:00-A. NishiyamaCovariant gauge at finite temperature
cf. Real and imaginary time field theory at finite temperature and density
Phys. Rept. by Landsman and van Weert.
6/23(FRI)16:00-K. OhtaThe role of magnetic flux and wall current drain on anomalous diffusion
M.J.Pinheiro, physics/0512024
7/14(FRI)15:00-Y. TsutsumiGauge-invariant effective action for the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates with a fixed number of atoms.
E. Calzetta and B.Hu, cond-mat/0508240
10/20(FRI)15:00-H. FujiiReport of INT-06-3: From RHIC to LHC: Achievements and Opportunities
INT, Univ.of Washington, USA
10/27(FRI)15:00-N. TanjiGross-Neveu Model (cont'd)
11/24(FRI)15:00-K. TerasakiSome features of the Glasma
T. Lappi and L. McLerran
Near Field and Energy Density in CGC model
12/6(WED)15:00-T. MatsuiShear viscosity in weakly coupled N=4 SYM compare to QCD
Huot-Jeon-Moore, hep-ph/0608062.
12/8(FRI)15:00-Y. OhnishiEntropy Generation and the Survival of Protogalaxies in an Expanding Universe
S. Weinberg, ApJ 168 (1971) 175.
12/22(FRI)15:00-H. FujiiQuark-hadron continuity.
1/17(WED)14:00-N. TanjiTransport coeffecients in high temperature gauge theories; leading log result
JHEP 0011(2000)001
Effective kinetic theory for high temperature field theories
JHEP 0301(2003)030
Transport coeffecients in high temperature gauge theories; beyond leading log
JHEP 0305(2003)051