1. 4/28 (Wed) 荒木 康史 氏(本郷) 15:30-
2. 5/26 (Wed) 河内 太一 氏(本郷) 15:30-
格子ゲージ理論に基づくチャーモニューム-核子相互作用 の研究
3. 6/9 (Wed) 安井 繁宏 氏(KEK) 15:30-
4. 6/23 (Wed) 小林 未知数 氏(駒場相関) 15:30-
5. 10/22 (Fri) F. Lenz 氏 (Emeritus Professor, University of Erlangen-N¨urnberg) 16:00-
Confining gauge fields
6. 12/3 (Fri) 福嶋 健二 氏(慶応大)16:00-
Chiral Magnetic Effect and the QCD Phase Transitions
1. 4/16 (fri) 16:00 藤井
The effect of topological charge change in heavy ion collisions: "Event by Event P and CP violation"
D.E.Kharzeev, L.D.McLerran, H.J.Warringa
Nucl.Phys. A803 (2008) 227
2. 4/23 (fri) 15:00 丹治
Real-time dynamics of the Chiral Magnetic Effect
K.Fukushima, D.E.Kharzeev and H.J.Warringa
arXiv:1002.2495 [hep-ph]
3. 5/21 (fri) 16:00 松井
Review of "Ridge"
E.Shuryak, PRC76 (2007) 047901
A.Dumitru, F.Gelis, L.McLerran, R.Venugopalan, NPA810 (2008) 91
4. 6/2 (Wed) 16:00 渡邊
From Quark Matter '09
NPA830, p227, p239, p327, p345
Transverse momentum dependence of J/ψ polarization at midrapidity
A.Adore, et al, PHENIX Collaboration
J/ψ production at high transverse momenta in p+p and Cu+Cu collisions at √sNN=200 GeV
B.I.Abelev et al, STAR Collaboration
PRC80, 041902(2009)
5. 6/4 (fri) 16:00 佐野
Complex Langevin method: When can it be trusted?
G.Aarts, E.Seiler and I-O.Stamatescu
PRD81, 054508(2010)
6. 6/11 (fri) 14:30 大西
Modeling Bose-Einstein condensed gases at finite temperatures with N-body simulations
B.Jackson, E.Zaremba
PRA66, 033606(2002)
7. 6/18 (fri) 16:00 藤井
Hydrodynamic Equations and Correlation Functions
L.P.Kadanoff, P.C.Martin
Ann.Phys. 281, 800(2000)
8. 6/30 (wed) 15:30 丹治 16号館829号室
9. 7/14 (Wed) 15:30 渡邊
New contributions to heavy-quarkonium production
J.P. Lansberg, J.R. Cudell, Yu.L. Kalinovsky
Phys.Lett. B633(2006) 301
Charm-pair rescattering mechanism for charmonium production in high-energy collisions
Pierre Artoisenet, Eric Braaten
Phys.Rev.D80, 034018(2009)
Towards a Solution of the Charmonium Production Controversy: k⊥ Factorization versus Color-Octet Mechanism
Ph. Hagler, R. Kirschner, A. Schafer, O. V. Teryaev
Phys.Rev.Lett. 86, 1446 (2001)
10. 11/5 (Fri) 16:00 佐野
Degenerate distributions in complex Langevin dynamics: one-dimensional QCD at finite chemical potential
G. Aarts and K. Splittorff
JHEP 1008:017,2010
11. 11/17 (Wed) 16:00 渡邊
修論中間発表 (hadronic J/Psi production)
12. 11/19 (fri) 16:00 藤井
Review of his recent work on critical phenomena
13. 12/22 (wed) 14:00 山崎
Role of 2SC pairing in a three-flavor NJL model with axial anomaly
H. Basler and M. Buballa
Phys.Rev.D82, 094004 (2010)
The NJL model of dense three-flavor matter with axial anomaly: the low temperature critical point and BEC-BCS diquark crossover
H. Abuki, G. Baym, T. Hatsuda and N. Yamamoto
Phys.Rev.D81, 125010 (2010)