1. 4/9 (Wed) 古城徹 氏(理研)
Tetraquark core in the sigma meson
2. 4/16 (wed) 15:00 藤井宏次 氏 (東大・駒場)
Expanding color flux tubes and instabilities
3. 5/7 (wed) 15:00 前沢祐 氏 (理研)
Magnetic and electric screening masses from Polyakov-loop
correlation in two-flavor lattice QCD
4. 5/21(wed) 15:00 八田佳孝 氏 (筑波)
Jets in N=4 SYM from AdS/CFT
5. 6/11(wed) 15:00 Alexander Rothkopf 氏 (本郷)
Non-thermal Fixed Points: weak coupling description of strongly correlated systems
6. 6/25(wed) 15:00 野秋淳一 氏 (KEK)
Chiral properties of light mesons with Nf=2 overlap fermions
7. 7/2(wed) 14:30 肥山詠美子 氏 (理研)
8. 7/9(wed) 15:00 西山陽大 氏(駒場)
Entropy production in the Kadanoff-Baym approach
9. 9/25(thu) 14:30 森田健司 氏 (延世大学、ソウル)
QCD sum ruleによるTc付近におけるチャーモニウムの性質
10. 10/29(wed) 16:00 F.Lenz 氏 (Univ. of Erlangen-Nurnberg)
Quantum fields in accelerated frames
11. 11/26(wed) 15:00 赤松幸尚 氏 (本郷)
Heavy Quark Diffusion in the Quark-Gluon Fluid
12. 12/10(wed) 16:00 金澤拓也 氏 (本郷)
13. 1/21(wed) 15:00 石井理修 氏 (筑波大学計算科学研究センター)
1. 4/18 (fri) 16:00 佐野
Signatures of S-wave bound-state formation in finite volume
S.Sasaki and T.Yamazaki
PRD74 114507 (2006)
2. 5/2 (fri) 15:00 井上
Jet quenching in high energy heavy ion collision by QCD synchrotron-like radiation
E.V.Shuyak and I.Zahed
PRD67 054025 (2007)
3. 5.16 (fri) 16:00 大西
Coupled Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov kinetic equation for a trapped Bose gas
Milena Imamovi-Tomasovi and Allan Griffin
PRA60 494 (1999)
4. 5/23 (fri) 16:00 丹治
Nonequilibrium Quantum Breakdown in a Strongly Correlated System
T.Oka and H.Aoki
arXiv:0803.0422v1 [cond-mat.str-el]
5. 5/30 (fri) 16:00 藤井
Chiral phase transition in the presence of spinodal decomposition
C. Sasaki, B. Friman, K. Redlich, Phys.Rev.D77,034024
Transverse Rapidity Dependence of the p-pbar ratio as a Signature of the QCD Critical Point
M. Asakawa, S.A. Bass, B. Muller and C. Nonaka, arXiv:0803.2449
And also, just mentioned about
A QCD chiral critical point at small chemical potential: is it there or not?
Ph.de Forcrand, S.Kim and O. Philipsen, POS(LAT2007)178
Phases of dense quarks at large Nc
L. McLerran and R. Pisarski, Nucl.Phys.A796, 83
6. 6/6 (fri) 16:00 服部
Onset of J/ psi Melting in Quark-Gluon Fluid at RHIC
T. Gunji, H. Hamagaki , T. Hatsuda and T. Hirano
Phys.Rev.C76:051901(2007), [hep-ph/0703061]
7. 6/20 (fri) 16:00 西山
The Azimuthal decorrelation of jets widely separated in rapidity as a test of the BFKL kernel
A.S. Vera and F. Schwennsen
Nucl.Phys.B776 170 (2007), [hep-ph/0702158]
Phenomenology of jet physics in the BFKL formalism at NLO
F. Schwennsen
8. 7/4 (fri) 16:00 松井
Real-time static potential in hot QCD
M. Laine, O. Philipsen, P. Romatschke and M. Tassler
JHEP 0703:054(2007), [hep-ph/0611300]
A Resummed perturbative estimate for the quarkonium spectral function in hot QCD
Mikko Laine
JHEP 0705:028(2007), [arXiv:0704.1720 [hep-ph]]
Real and imaginary-time Q anti-Q correlators in a thermal medium
A. Beraudo, J.-P. Blaizot and C. Ratti
arXiv:0712.4394 [nucl-th]
QCD Daze, 9/29-30 at 3-108
1.佐野 "Minimaly-doubled fermions"
2.井上 "Energy loss of charm quarks in the QGP: collisional vs radiative" M.G.Mustafa, hep-ph/0412402
3.大西 "Landau theory of relativistic Fermi liquids" G.Baym and S.A.Chin, Nucl.Phys.A262,527(1976)
4.藤井 "The QCD critical point"
5.丹治 "Review on the spaghetti vacuum"
6.服部 "The effects of topological charge in heavy ion collisions: event by event P and CP violation"
D.K.Kharzeev et al, Nucl.Phys.A803,227(2008)
7.西山 "Prethermalization" J.Berges et al, PRL93,142002(2004)
8.松井 "Summary (CTP)"
9. 11/7 (fri) 16:00 佐野
QCD critical point and complex chemical potential singularities
M.A. Stephanov
10. 11/21 (fri) 16:00 井上
Mach cones in QGP
J. Casalderrey-Solana
11. 11/28 (fri) 16:00 大西
Magnetic susceptibility of quark matter within Fermi-liquid theory
T. Tatsumi and K. Sato
12. 12/5 (fri) 16:00 丹治
Quantum field theoretical description of unstable behavior of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates
with complex eigenvalues of Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations
M. Mine, M. Okumura, T. Sunaga and Y. Yamanaka,
Appendix of "Aspects of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-Time"
S.A.Fulling, Cambridge Univ. Press
13. 12/12 (fri) 14:30 服部
Tilted pion sources from azimuthally sensitive HBT interferometry
M. Lisa, U. Heinz and U. Wiedemann
Azimuthally Sensitive Hanbury Brown-Twiss Interferometry in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt[sNN]=200 GeV
J. Adams et al. STAR Collaboration
14. 1/16 (fri) 16:00 西山
Fluctuation-dissipation-relation-preserving field theory of the glass transition in terms of fluctuating hydrodynamics
T. Nishino and H. Hayakawa
15. 2/6 (fri) 15:00 藤井
Non-Gaussian Fluctuations near the QCD Critical Point
M. A. Stephanov
16. 2/20 (fri) 15:00 松井
Broken Symmetries
the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (2008)
Quasi-Particles and Gauge Invariance in the Theory of Superconductivity
Y. Nambu,
Physical Review 117(1960)648
The Collective Description of Many-Particle Systems (A Generalized Theory of Hartree Fields)
T. Kinishita and Y. Nambu,
Physical Review 94(1954)598