*****   第1回 駒場原子核理論セミナー   *****

 日 時: 平成20年4月9日(wed) 午後3時半から

 場 所: 東大駒場キャンパス16号館8階829号室

 題 名: Tetraquark core in the sigma meson

 講演者: 古城徹 氏(理研)

  The sigma meson is analyzed
  through the tetraquark correlators.
  The general 1/Nc arguments enable to reduce
  the complicated spectrum of the sigma channel
  into the bare pole plus continuum ones but without
  the pipi scattering components.
  Comparing the large Nc results for
  the 2q and pipi molecule picture
  with the sum rule results for the reduced sigma spectrum,
  we conclude that the sigma meson can
  have the bare tetraquark core with the mass about 700 MeV.

  *****   第2回 駒場原子核理論セミナー   *****

 日 時: 平成20年4月16日(水) 午後4時から

 場 所: 東大駒場キャンパス16号館8階829号室

 題 名: Expanding color flux tubes and instabilities

 講演者: 藤井宏次 氏(駒場)

  We present an analytic study of the physics of the glasma which is a
  strong classical gluon field created at early stage of high-energy
  heavy-ion collisions. Our analysis is based on the picture that the
  glasma just after the collision is made of color electric and magnetic
  flux tubes extending in the longitudinal direction with their
  diameters of the order of 1/Q_s (Q_s is the saturation scale of the
  colliding nuclei). We find that both the electric and magnetic flux
  tubes expand outwards and the field strength inside the flux tube
  decays rapidly in time. Next we investigate whether there exist
  instabilities against small rapidity-dependent perturbations for a
  fixed color configuration. We find that the magnetic background field
  exhibits an instability induced by the fluctuations in the lowest
  Landau level, and it grows in the time scale of 1/Q_s. For the
  electric background field we find no apparent instability while the
  possible relation to the Schwinger mechanism for particle pair
  creations is suggested

  *****   第3回 駒場原子核理論セミナー   *****

 日 時: 平成20年5月7日(水) 午後3時から

 場 所: 東大駒場キャンパス16号館8階829号室

 題 名: Magnetic and electric screening masses from Polyakov-loop correlation in two-flavor lattice QCD

 講演者: 前沢祐 氏(理研)

  Screening properties of quark-gluon plasma are induced by thermal
  fluctuation of electric (longitudinal) and magnetic (transverse) gluons.
  We calculate the screening masses from Polyakov-loop correlation in
  two-flavor lattice QCD simulation. Using symmetries of the
  Euclidean-time reflection and charge conjugation on the Polyakov-loop
  correlator, we can decompose the Polyakov-loop correlation to various
  combinations of the Polyakov-loop operators with a gauge fixing, and
  extract the screening masses.
  We find that the magnitude of the magnetic screening mass turns out to
  be smaller than that of the electric screening mass, in accordance with
  an expectation of the thermal perturbation theory. We will also show
  comparisons of the screening masses with AdS/CFT correspondence and
  quenched lattice QCD.

  *****   第4回 駒場原子核理論セミナー   *****

 日 時: 平成20年5月21日(水) 午後3時から

 場 所: 東大駒場キャンパス16号館8階829号室

 題 名: Jets in N=4 SYM from AdS/CFT

 講演者: 八田佳孝 氏(筑波大)

 After a brief review of jet physics in perturbative QCD, I discuss
 various aspects of jets in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at
 strong coupling using gauge/string correspondence. I also talk about the
 energy loss of jets in a finite temperature plasma and discuss its
 relation to the previous works on jet quenching.

  ***** 第5回 駒場原子核理論セミナー *****

 日 時: 平成20年6月11日(水) 午後3時から

 場 所: 東大駒場キャンパス16号館8階829号室

 題 名: Non-thermal Fixed Points: weak coupling description of strongly correlated systems

 講演者: Alexander Rothkopf 氏(本郷)

 We present numerical and analytical findings, showing that strongly
  correlated systems far from equilibrium can exhibit scaling solutions
  with a dynamically generated weak coupling. The employed model systems
  are relativistic scalar quantum field theories with initial conditions,
  which lead to non-equilibrium instabilities, such as parametric
  resonance or spinodal decomposition. The non-thermal fixed points are
  found to prevent fast thermalization if classical-statistical
  fluctuations dominate over quantum fluctuations. These non-equilibrium
  phenomena may be of interest for the thermalization in both early
  universe cosmology and relativistic heavy-ion collisions.

  ***** 第6回 駒場原子核理論セミナー ***** 

  日 時: 平成20年6月25日(水) 午後3時から

  場 所: 東大駒場キャンパス16号館8階829号室

  題 名: Chiral properties of light mesons with Nf=2 overlap fermions

  講演者: 野秋淳一 氏(KEK)

 特に我々JLQCD Collaboration では、業界最大の計算機資源を投入することで動的クォークの効果を取り入れた格子計算を初めて達成した。

  ***** 第7回 駒場原子核理論セミナー ***** 

  日 時: 平成20年7月2日(水) 午後2時30分から

  場 所: 東大駒場キャンパス16号館8階829号室

  題 名: ハイパー核物理の現状と今後の展望

  講演者: 肥山詠美子 氏 (理研)


  ***** 第9回 駒場原子核理論セミナー ***** 

  日 時: 平成20年9月25日(木) 午後2時30分から

  場 所: 東大駒場キャンパス3号館1階108号室

  題 名: QCD sum ruleによるTc付近におけるチャーモニウムの性質

  講演者: 森田健司 氏 (延世大学、ソウル)

  本研究では、QCD sum rule(QCDSR)を用いた有限温度媒質中でのチャーモニウムを
  J/psi, eta_cならびに、chi_cについての計算結果も報告する。

  ***** 第10回 駒場原子核理論セミナー ***** 

  日 時: 平成20年10月29日(水) 午後4時から

  場 所: 東大駒場キャンパス16号館8階829号室

  題 名: Quantum fields in accelerated frames

  講演者: F. Lenz 氏 (Institute for Theoretical Physics III, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg)

  In this talk I will present studies of quantized fields in accelerated
  frames (Rindler spaces) with emphasis on gauge fields. 
  Important properties of the dynamics in Rindler spaces are shown to
  follow from the scale invariance of the corresponding Hamiltonians.
  Origin and consequences of this extraordinary property of Hamiltonians 
  in Rindler spaces are elucidated. 
  Characteristics of the Unruh radiation, the appearance of a photon condensate 
  and the interaction energy of vector and scalar static charges are discussed 
  and implications for Yang-Mills theories and QCD in Rindler spaces are indicated.

  *****   第11回 駒場原子核理論セミナー   *****

 日 時: 平成20年11月26日(水) 午後3時から

 場 所: 東大駒場キャンパス16号館8階829号室

 題 名: Heavy Quark Diffusion in the Quark-Gluon Fluid

 講演者: 赤松幸尚 氏 (本郷)

  In the relativistic heavy ion collisions, it is suggested that thermal medium is produced 
  in a very short time after the collision. However, the heavy quarks such as charm and bottom quarks are 
  expected to be still on their way to thermalization and require a different treatment than hydrodynamics. 
  Relativistic diffusion process is one of the candidates for the description of heavy quarks 
  in the quark-gluon plasma. In this talk, I will review the heavy quark energy loss very briefly, 
  construct heavy quark diffusion model in the quark-gluon plasma, and combine it with hydrodynamic model. 
  I will also discuss the profile of heavy quark diffusion, heavy quark spectra, 
  and the spectra of single electrons decayed from heavy quarks. 
  The recent analyses of heavy quark correlations will also be discussed.

  *****   第12回 駒場原子核理論セミナー   *****

 日 時: 平成20年12月10日(水) 午後4時から

 場 所: 東大駒場キャンパス16号館8階829号室

 題 名: 閉じ込め四方山話

 講演者: 金澤拓也 氏 (本郷)


  *****   第13回 駒場原子核理論セミナー   *****

 日 時: 平成21年1月21日(水) 午後3時から

 場 所: 東大駒場キャンパス16号館8階829号室

 題 名: 格子QCDによる核力

 講演者: 石井理修 氏 (筑波大学計算科学研究センター)

  格子QCDを用いて研究することに道が開かれる。また、quenched QCDを用いて
  PACSCSゲージ配位を使った2+1 flavor full QCD result等の最近の進展にも触れる。