
セミナー  02  01  00  99  98

原則として水曜日、16号館 829会議室にて。

4/18 (金) 15:00 @3-108 福嶋 健二 氏(東大理)
 ``Relation between the Polyakov loop and the chiral order parameter at strong coupling''

5/7 (水) 15:30 @16-829 日高 義将 氏(KEK)
 ``Effect of thermal width of pions on the spectral function of the sigma meson''

5/14 (水) 15:30 @16-829 二国 徹郎 氏(東京理科大)
 ``Dynamics of Atomic Bose Gases at Finite Temperatures''

5/21 (水) 15:30 @16-829 佐々木 潔 氏(東大理)

5/28 (水) 15:30 @16-829 飯田 秀明 氏(東工大)

6/11 (水) 15:30 @16-829 松浦 妙子 氏(東大理)
 ``Thermal Fluctuation of Gauge Fields and First Order Transition in Color Superconductivity''

6/18 (水) 15:30 @16-829 森田 健司 氏(早大理工)
 ``Hydrodynamical analysis of HBT correlations at RHIC''

6/25 (水) 15:30 @16-829 根村 英克 氏(KEK)
 「現実的相互作用を用いた s-殻Λハイパー核の構造研究」

10/15 (水) 15:00 @16-829 延与 佳子 氏(KEK)

10/29 (水) 15:00 @16-829 岡 真 氏(東工大)
 「Penta Quark theta+ の謎」

10/31 (金) 15:00 @3-108 肥山 詠美子 氏(KEK)
「Energy Weigted sum rule of few-body systems and completeness of Gaussian-lobe basis functions」

11/5 (水) 15:00 @16-829 家田 淳一 氏 (東大理)
「Bose-Einstein Condensation in Trap Potentials」

11/26 (水) 15:00 @16-829 石井 理修 氏 (RIKEN)
「Properties of Thermal Glueballs from anisotropic lattice QCD」

12/10(水) 15:00 @16-829 大西一聡氏(駒場)
「Mode coupling theory for the dynamic aspect of the chiral phase transition」

1/21 (水) 15:00 @16-829 松尾 利明 氏 (東大理)
「Nuclear mean-field models and spin-isospin dependences of effective interactions」


大抵の金曜日、3号館 108号室にて。

4/25 (金) 15:00 Fujii
B. Berdnikov and K. Rajagopal ``Slowing out of equilibrium near the QCD critical point'' PRD 61 (2000) 105017
F. Karsch et al. ``The chiral critical point in 3-flavour QCD'' PLB 520 (2001) 41
S. Datta et al. ``A Study of Charmonium Systems across the Deconfinement Transition'' hep-lat/0208012
T. Umeda et al. ``Charmonium at finite temperature in quenched lattice QCD'' hep-lat/0211003

5/ 2 (金) 15:00 Kohama
Y. Igarashi, H. So, N. Ukita ``Ginsparg-Wilson Relation and Lattice Chiral Symmetry in Fermionic Interacting Theories'' Phys.Lett.B 535(2002)363

5/ 9 (金) 15:00 Matsui
G. Kavoulakis and G.Baym ``Rapidly rotating BEC in anharmonic potential'' cond-mat/0212596
A. L. Fetter ``Rotating vortex lattice in a BEC trapped in conbined quadratic and quartic radial potentials'' PRA 64(2001)063608
U. R. Fischer and G. Baym ``Vortex states of Rapidly Rotating Dilute BEC'' PRL 90(2001)140402
K. Kasamatsu, M. Tshubota and M. Ueda ``Giant hole and circular superflow in a fast rotating BEC'' PRA 66(2002)053606

5/16 (金) 15:00 Matsuo
M. Imamovic-Tomasovic, A. Griffin ``Coupled Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov kinetic equations for a trapped Bose gas'' PRA 60(1999)494
``Generalized Boltzmann equation for a trapped Bose-condensed gas using the Kadanoff-Baym formalism'' cond-mat/9911402
``Quasiparticle kinetic equation in a trapped Bose gas at low temperatures'' cond-mat/0010107

5/23 (金) 15:00 Nagai
N. Tanaka, Y. Suzuki, K. Varga, and R. G. Lovas, ``Unbound states by analytic continuation in the coupling constant'' Phys.Rev.C 59(1999)1391

5/30 (金) 15:00 Ohnishi
K. Kawasaki ``Kinetic Equations and Time Correlation Functions of Critical Fluctuations'' Ann.Phys. 61(1970)1

6/ 6 (金) 15:00 Ohta
J.D.Jackson and L.B.Okun ``Historical roots of gauge invariance'' Rev.Mod.Phys 73(2001)663
L.O'Raifeartaigh and N.Straumann ``Gauge theory: historival origin and some modern development'' Rev.Mod.Phys. 72(2000)1
L.Rosenfeld ''The velocity of light and the evolution of electrodynamics'' Nuovo Cim. Suppl. 4(1957)1630

6/13 (金) 15:00 Tsutsumi
E.S.Fraga, R.Venugopalan ``Finite size effects on Nucleation in a First Order phase transition'' hep-ph/0304094

10/24 (金) 15:00 Fujii
H. Fujii and M. Ohtani, ``Hydrodynamic and Sigma modes along the critical lines" hep-ph/0401028. hep-ph/04xxxx.

11/12 小濱

11/21 松井
R. Jaffe and W. Wilczek hep-ph/0307341 "Diquarks and Exotic spectroscopy"

12/05 松尾
T. Hirano and Y. Nara nucl-th/0307015, PRL 91(2003)082301など 「Jet Quenchingの話」

12/12 永井
S. Nussinov hep-ph/0307357 "some comments on the putative \Theta^+(1543) exiotic state"

12/26 堤
JHEP08(2003)002 "QCD plasma instabilities and bottom-up thermalization"

02/06 寺崎
R. L. Jaffe PRD17(1978)1444 "Q^2 Qbar^2 resonances in baryon and anti-baryon system"

2004.02.21 updated.
お問い合わせはこちら→ 松尾衛 matsuo@nt1.