FY 2006, Seminar and Journal Club schedule

seminar  05  04  03  02  01  00  99  98

on Wednesdays at 16-829

1. 4/7 (Fri) 15:00 at 3-108 Hirano,T (U Tokyo, Komaba)
Have we discovered "Perfect Liquid" of QGP?

2. 4/26 (Wed) 15:00 @16-829 Digal,S (U Tokyo/RIKEN)
Color superconducting transition in the Ginzburg-Landau Model: Lattice Approach

3. 5/24 (Wed) 15:00 @16-829 Okumura (Waseda)
Quantum field theory description of the Bose-Einstein condensation of neutral atomic gas

4. 6/14 (Wed) 15:00 @ 16-829 Kawamura,H (RIKEN)
Soft gluon resummation in transversly polarized Drell-Yan process (abs)

5. 7/12 (Wed) 16:30 @ 16-829 Shimizu,N (U Tokyo, Hongo)
Study on quadrapole collective motion in Monte Carlo shell model

6. 7/19(wed) 16:30 at 16-829 Sawada,S (KEK)
Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex: J-PARC (abs)

** Hot QCD Daze, 9/26-27 at 3-108 (a daze...)

** Lecture series by Prof. M. Harada (Nagoya U) (abs)
11/6(mon) 13:30-15:00, 15:30-17:00
11/7(tue) 10:00-12:00, 13:30-15:00, 15:30-17:00
11/8(wed) 10:00-12:00, 13:30- seminar
sec1, sec2, sec3, sec4

7. 11/15(wed) 15:00 at 16-829, Herr Dr. Konrad Urlichs (Erlangen Uni, ITP III)
Inhomogeneous phases in simple four-fermion interaction theories (abs)

8. 1/10(wed) 16:00 at 16-829, Nishida,Y (Tokyo)
Unitary Fermi gas in the epsilon expansion (abs)

9. 2/14(wed) 12:40 at 3-119, Yamamoto (Tokyo)
New critical point and quark-hadron continuity in dense QCD

Journal Club

On Fridays at 3-108

1. 4/21 (fri) 15:00 H.Fujii
Susceptibilities near the QCD (tri-) critical point
hep-ph/0603256, by Schaefer and Wambach

2. 5/12 (fri) 15:00 T. Hirano
Dissipative hydrodynamics for viscous relativistic fluids. Phys.Rev.C73 034904 (2006) by Heinz, Song and Chaudhuri

3. 5/17 (wed) 15:00 K.Kohama
Phase diagram at finite temperature and quark density in the strong coupling limit of QCD for color SU(3)
N.Kawamoto et al. hep-lat/0512023

4. 5/19 (fri) 16:20 T.Matsui
Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect in a quark-gluon plasma and the Boltzmann equation
hep-ph/0604209, by G.Baym, J.P.Blaizot, F.Gelis and T.Matsui'

5. 6/2 (fri) 16:00 K.Hattori
Intensity interferometry for a chaotic souse with a collective flow and multiple scattering
C.Y.Wong, J.Phys.G. 29 (2003)

6. 6/9 (fri) 15:00 Y.Nagai
Anomalous viscosity of an expanding QGP
M.Asakawa, S.Bass and B.Muller, hep-ph/0603092.

7. 6/16 (fri) 16:00 A.Nishiyama
Covariant gauge at finite temperature, Landshoff-Rebhan, Nucl.Phys.B383(92)607.
Cf. Real and imaginary time field theory at finite temperature and density, Phys.Rept. by Landsman and van Weert.

8. 6/23 (fri) 16:00 K.Ohta
The role of magnetic flux and wall current drain on anomalous diffusion
M.J.Pinheiro, physics/0512024

9. 7/14 (fri) 15:00 Y.Tsutsumi
Gauge-invariant effective action for the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates with a fixed number of atoms.
E. Calzetta and B.Hu, cond-mat/0508240

** 10/20 (fri) 15:00 H.Fujii
Report of INT-06-3: From RHIC to LHC: Achievements and Opportunities
INT, Univ.of Washington, USA

** 10/27 (fri) 15:00 N.Tanji
Gross-Neveu Model (cont'd)

10. 11/24 (fri) 15:00 K. Terasaki
Some features of the Glasma, T. Lappi and L. McLerran hep-ph/0602189.
Near Field and Energy Density in CGC model, Fries-Kapusta-Li, nucl-th/0604054.

11. 12/6 (wed) 15:00 T. Matsui
Shear viscosity in weakly coupled N=4 SYM compare to QCD, Huot-Jeon-Moore, hep-ph/0608062.

12. 12/8 (fri) 15:00 Y. Ohnishi
Entropy Generation and the Survival of Protogalaxies in an Expanding Universe
S. Weinberg, ApJ 168 (1971) 175.

13. 12/22 (fri) 15:00 H. Fujii
Quark-hadron continuity.

14. 1/17 (wed) 14:00 N. Tanji
Transport coeffecients in high temperature gauge theories; leading log result, JHEP 0011(2000)001
Effective kinetic theory for high temperature field theories, JHEP 0301(2003)030
Transport coeffecients in high temperature gauge theories; beyond leading log, JHEP 0305(2003)051

2007.4.11 update
Contact --> Terasaki (terasaki@nt1...)