France-Japan SAKURA Workshop on small-x physics at the LHC

The University of Tokyo, Komaba campus, 2016-Oct-29 (Sat)

Place: Bldg. 16, Room 107

*** Program ***
13:00- C. Marquet (Polytech) "Computing gluon TMDs at small-x in the Color Glass Condensate"
13:30- Y. Hatta (YITP, Kyoto U) "Wigner, Husimi and generalized TMD distributions at small-x"
14:00- T. Sako (Nagoya U) "Introduction to cosmic-ray air shower observations and LHCf"
14:30- Q. Zhou (Nagoya U) "Low-mass diffraction at ATLAS-LHCf"
15:00-15:30 break
15:30- Y. Nara (Akita Int'l U) "Monte-Carlo event generator for CGC"
16:00- T. Chujo (U Tsukuba) "Forward Calorimeter upgrade in ALICE"
16:30- Y. Yamazaki(Kobe U) "Selected results related to forward physics from the ATLAS experiment"
17:00- H. Fujii (U Tokyo) "Update of heavy quark production in pA"
*** end of workshop ***

supported by JSPS "France-Japan SAKURA exchange program"
Contact: Hirotsugu Fujii, hfujii at