日時 | 場所 | 講演者 | 題名 |
3. Apr. 2002 (Wed.) 15:00- | 16号館829 | 秋葉 康之 (KEK) | RHICでの高エネルギー原子核衝突実験の物理 |
8. May. 2002 (Wed.) 15:30- | 16号館829 | 予備日 | |
15. May. 2002 (Wed.) 15:30- | 16号館829 | 橘 基 (理研) | Neutrino Rates in Color Flavor Locked Quark Matter |
22. May. 2002 (Wed.) 15:30- | 16号館829 | 野中 千穂 (理研) | (3+1)-dimensional Relativistic Hydrodynamical Expansion - Hot and dense Matter in Ultra-relativistic Nuclear Collisions - |
29. May. 2002 (Wed.) | お休み | ||
5. Jun. 2002 (Wed.) 15:30- | 16号館829 | 西川 哲夫 (KEK) | 有限温度におけるシグマ中間子の自己エネルギーとスペクトル関数の2ループ計算 |
12. Jun. 2002 (Wed.) 15:30- | 16号館829 | 土手 昭伸 (KEK) | 軽い原子核内に深く束縛されたK-メソンが引き起こす奇妙な現象 (abstract) |
19. Jun. 2002 (Wed.) 15:30- | 16号館829 | 間所 秀樹 (理研) | Self-consistent mean field approach to nuclear tilted rotation |
26. Jun. 2002 (Wed.) | 16号館829 | セミナーはお休み。代わりに文献会を開催。 | |
12. Jul. 2002 (Fri.) 15:00- | 新装3号館108(予定) | 宮川 貴彦 (都立大) | 擬一次元ボーズ-フェルミ気体のパイエルス不安定性 (abstract) |
19. Jul. 2002 (Fri.) 15:00- | 新装3号館108(予定) | 大井 万紀人 | Nodal lines in the 3D Euler space -- Calculation of norm overlap kernels of cranked HFB states -- |
日時 | 担当 | 紹介文献 |
10. May. 2002 (Fri.) | Fujii |
Photon and Color Emission in Relativistic Plasma P. Arnold, G. D. Moore, L. G. Yaffe hep-ph/0204343 |
17. May. 2002 (Fri.) | Matsui | Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal Effect for finite target R. Blankenbecker & S. D. Drell Phys. Rev. D 53, 6265-6281 (1996) |
24. May. 2002 (Fri.) | Matsuo | The physics of Hanbury Brown-Twiss intensity interferometry:
from stars to nuclear collisions. G. Baym nucl-th/9804026 |
31. May. 2002 (Fri.) | Nagai | Toward a Mass and Radius Determination of the Nearby Isolated Neutron Star RXJ185635-3754 J.A.Pons, F.M.Walter, J.M.Lattimer, M.Prakash, R.Neuhäuser, P.An Astrophys. J. 564, 981-1006 (2002) |
7. Jun. 2002 (Fri.) | Ohnishi | Critical scattering and two photon spectra for a Quark/Meson plasma P. Rehberg, Y. Kalinovsky, D. Blaschke NPA 622 (1997) 478 |
14. Jun. 2002 (Fri.) | Ohta | Effects of strong magnetic fields in strange baryonic matter A. E. Broderick, H. Prakash, J. M. Lattimer Phys. Lett. B 531 (2002) 167 |
21. Jun. 2002 (Fri.) | Oi | Yrast spectra of weekly interacting Bose-Einstein Condensates B. Mottelson Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 2695 |
26. Jun. 2002 (Wed.) | Ohtani | An effective field theory of QCD at high density D. K. Hong Phys. Lett. B 473 (1999) 118 |
28. Jun. 2002 (Fri.) | 研究室紹介の為お休み | |
t. Jul. 2002 (Fri.) | Tsutsumi | Study of thermal equilibrium in heavy ion collisions
via the Ma coincidence method
-- test of applicability M. Kirejczyk Act. Phys. Pol. B 33 (2002) 377 |
?. Jul. 2002 (Fri.) | Nagai & Matsuo | 特別講演「修論(で展開する物理を)を語る」(予定) |