2001年度 東大駒場原子核理論セミナー
於 駒場3号館1階116号室
Nucleon Excited States in Lattice QCD
It is important to understand the hadron mass spectrum from the first
principles of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the fundamental theory of the
strong interactions. As is well known, the only method for such a
first-principle calculation is numerical lattice QCD. Recent lattice
calculations of the light-hadron mass spectrum in the quenched
approximation agree well with experimental values
within about 5%. However, this success is restricted
to ground states and does not apply to excited states.
The excited-state mass spectrum is big challenge in lattice QCD.
In this talk, I present a review of the current progress in lattice QCD
spectroscopy of nucleon excited states.
連絡先:大西一聡 < konishi@nt1.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp >